Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Herbie, blankies, and things

When I was 3-4 I had a favorite blanket. I sucked on it and some of the corners were pretty tattered. My mom repaired the edges and it never was the same after that.

Our kids still miss Sarah, our old '93 Ford Aerostar. They are fond of Sparky and Jonathan as well. But just like people can't replace each other perfectly neither can Sparky perfectly replace Sarah.

A lot of men find certain pairs of shoes or certain shirts that they just like. Even as they wear out they just want to stick with them.

I know that things are not people and won't ever be. But for some reason I think people are happier when they have a certain affection for certain things. What do you think?


Blogger Bart said...

And the type of people that like certain things (they may be the same people that like animals), are somehow more likable than someone who doesn't care at all.

Thursday, March 22, 2007 5:04:00 PM  
Blogger Douglas H. said...

Yeah. For some reason I find that trait likable too.

Saturday, March 24, 2007 10:45:00 AM  

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