Saturday, September 09, 2006

Slow Progress, Great Life

I am now hired full-time at Los Alamos. I love it. I love the environment, the people, and the projects that I get to work on. But it means a full 40 hours a week. And if I'm working on-sight (which most days is not the case) I'm doing a commute of almost 2 hours (each way). And there is a quantum optics course that seems to be taking a fair amount of time each week (15-20 hours!).

Anyway, between all of those things and normal home responsibilities I have been struggling to keep it all together. My one-hour-a-day may have to be put aside for a bit.

I see a future where I am taking no classes and where we live by the lab, eliminating the commute. Can you imagine being able to treat graduate school like a flexible 40 hr/week job? That may be what I'll be doing soon. So the hour-a-day can come back soon with a vengeance.

Regardless, life right now is awesome. I love this chance to enter into the world of information physics and quantum optics. I love working on real projects and figuring out what is going on.

Have a great week,



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