Tuesday, February 28, 2006

98, 99, 100 and more

I kind of want an amazing idea for 100 but I don't have any really amazing ideas in mind and I want to move forward from brainstorming to choosing and performing. So here are 98, 99, and 100.

  1. Sawdust. I guess the fuel market is pretty crazy right now. I learned from Gerald Baca that there is a lumber mill/saw mill that is generating a huge supply of sawdust and doesn't know what to do with it. If we could make it into a clean fuel . . . or even sell it for gardens and pets. I really love the idea of waste products becoming useful. (Thanks Gerald!)
  2. Treat your concrete. There are a ton of new homes here. The builders recommend that the buyers treat their concrete but most of them don't take the time to do it. I bet we could go around to new developments and offer to treat their concrete and get a lot of jobs.
  3. Rocks. Similarly, all the developments here in the west side of Albuquerque xeroscape with rocks. I bet home owners would pay a reasonable fee to keep all the rocks picked up.
  4. Working day care. How about a day care where the kids work instead of sit and play. I think that child labor laws might be an issue here. But the point would be education for the kids. Perhaps the work is done as service rather than as a way to make money. How about that? How about a sort of day care for older kids where all they do is learn to serve. They could help Habitat for Humanity build houses. They could winterize homes for the elderly. They could offer free car repair to certain groups and improve parks and pick up litter.
  5. Sports day care. Maybe not as noble but pretty fun to run. I think this is self explanatory except that you choose the most fun sport you think you could safely facilitate.
  6. Private Airplanes. They are so expensive. But they can't be as expensive to make as they are to buy. I know there is some sort of regulatory barrier to entry going on here. It would be interesting to learn what it is and crack it. Now making private planes makes for a pretty cool company!
  7. Kid's picture collages. The parents save the kids artwork in a box and then pay you a small fee to digitalize it and put it all in a convenient format on a cd or dvd. You get to save them all and chuck them all at the same time!
  8. VCR-->DVD. You could transfer everybody's collections over for them.


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