Wednesday, February 22, 2006


  1. Book binding company. I've noticed that pretty much every book that I have purchased off of Amazon has been poorly bound. It would be nice to work with existing publishers to offer a version of existing text books that is bound better than the current ones. Basicly you center the whole business around the book as a physical entity and make a better one than we have.
  2. Book rebinding. Or you could take books already made and remake them in stronger form.
  3. Kid's books. Similarly, it would be nice to have books for kids that are virtually indestructible. Maybe if the pages were made of the same cloth that some clothing tags are made of . . .
  4. Healthy food for hospitals. I don't know if I want to do it but it needs to be done. People look to hospitals as an example of how they should eat.
  5. Dried fruit and nuts vending machine. I'd like it. But then, I never use vending machines. Is there a dichotomy between long term and short term thinkers that means that this won't work? Well, brainstorm now, edit later.
  6. Paint recycling. You collect the paint, and let people buy it. They can mix their own colors. (Thanks Gina!)
  7. Pencil Vending machines all over campus. Now this I could see using. If the price weren't insane. In fact I would love to have these. Notebook vending machines too. (Thanks to Denis V. Seletskiy)
  8. Physics Curriculum for gradschoolers. It's funny because the physics curriculum is one of the most traditional and well established curricula out there. And the body of knowledge is systematic, well contained, and beautiful. The subjects are deeply intertwined. And yet the curriculum needs a lot of work. The learning track is not nearly as systematic or iterative as it could be and learning all the fundamental concepts can be like a treasure hunt. A lot of work could be done here.


Blogger Bart said...

I was really surprised to find that food offered at the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center (Provo's hospital) is not very healthy. There are a few healthy alternatives, but that's just what they are - alternatives to the norm. I almost always got a cheeseburger or corn dog, and I always felt sicker coming out the hospital than I did going in (I received a free meal each week as a hospital volunteer). I think they do that to keep people coming in . . . to the cafeteria and to the doctors. ;)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:22:00 PM  
Blogger Bart said...

I like the kid's book idea. Don't they already have indestructible books? It seems like I've seen them before. But are they made out of the same cloth as clothing tags? Cause that's an excellent idea. Hymn book pages should be that way too, though I'm not sure they'd be as practical or as inexpensive.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:24:00 PM  
Blogger Bart said...

Last one: The fruit and nut vending machine. I love fruit and nuts, but I rarely to never buy from vending machines either. I come up with ideas all the time that I think some people would do though I know I wouldn't do. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing, though. People do stuff I wouldn't do all the time. Then again, it might feel strange to not believe in your own product enough to buy it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:27:00 PM  

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