Wednesday, February 15, 2006

15, 16, and 17

  1. Market a new device to make canning peaches more convenient. (Suggestion Gina Jones Bradshaw, invention Judy Jones)
  2. Grow produce using hydroponics. I think hydroponics and aeroponics are cool. It would be fun to get really good at one crop.
  3. Rate performance of doctors and real estate agents (for example using a star system). I don't know where the revenue would come from but we need some kind of formal system to help us choose service providers like these. I also think that if there were an efficient feedback system for medical care then the need for punitive lawsuits would decrease. The punishment would be simply that everybody would know if you were an incompetent or careless doctor and your business would decrease. But feedback isn't just a punitive thing. It is also vital if you want to do the best that you can. And it is fun. People like games, video games and conversations at least largely because of the immediate feedback that they get from them. They train themselves and hone their skills using that feedback. I think we would have better doctors and better real estate agents etc. if we could provide mechanisms for fast accurate feedback.


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