Friday, February 17, 2006


  1. Medical education for parents: how do you recognize an ear infection? If the parent knew right away it would save unnecessary medical bills on the one hand and trauma on the other hand. Video for the most common things that parents take kids in for that they don't need to take them in for. "Here are 4 common rashes that we don't do anything about but that parents take their kids in for all the time. Here is what to do." (Thanks Gina Jones Bradshaw).
  2. How about video cameras that are a little cooler. Like how about if the camera is somehow mounted on your glasses and the memory and power are in your back pack?
  3. Noninvasive realtime measurement of blood sugar levels. You can actually monitor the impact of your diet and activities.
  4. Design and build equipment for windsurfing.
  5. Teach windsurfing.
  6. Bagel Toaster: People burn their hands pulling bagles out of toasters. What if you built a toaster that made it easy to get your bagel out? (Thanks Collin Trail.)
  7. How about a less invasive measure of blood pressure? (Some people get a rise in blood pressure when they know it's being taken. You could get better results if you avoided this problem.)
  8. Writing and publishing company combined. You commission writing to meet a need.


Blogger Bart said...

Even if you weren't to make a whole new line of cameras, you could create an accessory lens that attaches to your glasses and has a cord reaching back to the camera in the bag. I like it.

Sunday, February 19, 2006 10:10:00 AM  
Blogger Douglas H. said...

Good idea!

Monday, February 20, 2006 2:51:00 PM  

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