Monday, February 27, 2006


  1. Paper watch. It would be interesting to have a service that watched for all the academic papers that come out related to a key topic.
  2. How about a system of questions and answers. I need to know how to make a 97% efficient hologram. So I pay you to teach me.
  3. Research for hire. OK, so this is an old idea. But it's still interesting! Say you want to know if AireBorne really works. You hire someone to test it out.
  4. High School. This can't happen on an hour a day. But I think it would be fun to gather a bunch of sharpest and funnest people that I know and put together a school that would blow the socks off of any that exist. And we would do it out in the boonies like a farm/monastery.
  5. Sensors. Turning a real world signal into a voltage signal is just really cool. I would love to have a company that perfects and makes sensors of all kinds. At first we wouldn't have any new technology. We would just creatively use and market existing technologies.
  6. Commercial Real Estate. Only the goal isn't just to make money. It is to change the way cities work. I don't see any good way of curbing urban sprawl other than either curbing population growth or changing lifestyles. It would be neat to develop housing concepts that simultaneously enable higher density living conditions and higher quality of life. How about the ground floor is Walmart, the roof is a park, and accross the street is the University? This may require some capital outlay . . .
  7. Origami for hire. Because Origami is cool. We could pick some really cool folds, achieve excellence in them, and use them for wedding decorations and high class parties.
  8. Optical component library. Half of our time in the lab is spent looking for components. Another 10% is spent ordering new components that we should have somewhere. If there was a solid library system it could save many dollars and a lot of money. It would be worth paying someone to develop and maintain a real system . . .


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